FESTIVAL OF CHICHESTER: Picnic festival finale

The BeauBowBellesThe BeauBowBelles
The BeauBowBelles
Foot-stomping swing-folkers The BeauBowBelles say they have dragged themselves from their classical roots through the earth of folk, the dusts of country and the fires of gypsy swing.

You can judge for yourself when they join the Festival of Chichester as part of the Amici concert series. They are performing on the final day of the series, which is also the final day of the festival: July 17 at Halnaker Park Cottage, at the far end of Park Lane, Halnaker (PO18 0QH).

Bertie Anderson (vocals/viola/percussion) said: “We have been going for about six years now. There are four of us, though we occasionally have other friends join us, but there are four core players. We recently changed our line-up when one of the original members left, and we were joined by Mitch. The music is hard to describe, but we call it swing folk because when we first started it was three of us girls and a lot of close harmony singing, a bit like the Andrews Sisters style. But when we started writing our own material, we went in a more country direction, but we still hark back to the swing style. We come from a classical background as well. We have a lot of things going on! We do the odd cover, but we mostly write our own material. We are all writers. We do a bit of writing separately and some together. Our last album was a mixture of all our own songs and stuff we had written together. We have just started writing new material together.

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