REVIEW: Worthing Symphony Orchestra

Craig OgdenCraig Ogden
Craig Ogden
'˜Latin Fire' Concert '“ at Assembly Hall on Sunday; guitar soloist, Craig Ogden; conductor, John Gibbons.

Manuel De Falla, Ritual Fire Dance; Doreen Carwithen, Travel Royal Suite; Joaquin Rodrigo, Guitar Concert; Nicolay Rimsky-Korsakov, Flight of the Bumble Bee’; Peter Tchaikovsky, Symphony No2 ‘Little Russian’.

Guitar heroes have played Worthing Assembly Hall since the Sixties. Clapton, Green, Beck, Taylor, Townshend, Latimer, Whitehorn spring straight to mind. So when the length of Craig Ogden’s autographing queue delayed the start of Sunday’s concert second half, it was a sign of old times and good news.

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