The NHS could vaccinate the entire English population by the end of April 2021

The NHS is planning to have the entire adult population in England vaccinated against Covid-19 by the end of April, according to new leaked documents.

Information allegedly seen by the Health Service Journal suggests that the NHS will begin rolling out a coronavirus vaccination from the start of December, depending on the availability of supplies.

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The vaccine will be available to anyone who wants it - but its effectiveness will depend on a 75 per cent take-up among the population, and a 100 per cent take-up in residential settings, such as care homes.

The plan also relies on supplies of the vaccine being readily available, and more than seven million doses would be required in December.

Huge capacity for vaccination will be created across GP-run facilities, NHS trusts, “large scale mass vaccination sites” and "roving models" for anyone who is not able to travel, according to the leaked information.

When might I be vaccinated?

The document (dated 13 November) lays out the timescale for vaccination, including when each population group would expect to receive the vaccine. Each cohort can be vaccinated simultaneously, so it doesn't matter if one group isn't finished before the next begins.

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