Bird flu warning for West Sussex poultry owners

Avian flu warning for poultry ownersAvian flu warning for poultry owners
Avian flu warning for poultry owners
Poultry owners in West Sussex are being warned about an extension to the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone until late February.

To protect birds from avian flu anyone who keeps poultry such as chickens, ducks and geese, even as pets, must stop them coming into contact with wild birds.

Peter Aston, Trading Standards manager said: “Birds should be moved into a suitable building, or if that isn’t possible owners must take sensible precautions to keep them away from wild birds, like putting up netting to create a temporary enclosure and keeping food and water supplies inside where they cannot be contaminated by wild birds.

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“Even when birds are kept indoors a risk of infection remains so keepers must also practice good biosecurity, for example by disinfecting footwear and equipment and washing clothing after contact with birds.”

There is also a nationwide ban on poultry shows and gatherings.

David Barling, West Sussex Cabinet Member with responsibilty for Trading Standards, added: “All poultry keepers must continue to be vigilant and do all they can to protect against this highly pathogenic strain of the disease, which is why the Prevention Zone has been extended into February.

“Our officers have been distributing flyers to the main poultry feed suppliers in the county to raise awareness of the restrictions. I must stress though that any risk to human health is extremely low.”

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