Crackdown on Sussex drivers using mobile phones

It Can Wait Campaign by Sussex Safer Roads PartnershipIt Can Wait Campaign by Sussex Safer Roads Partnership
It Can Wait Campaign by Sussex Safer Roads Partnership
A new campaign clamping down on drivers using mobile phones behind the wheel has been launched in Sussex.

It Can Wait is aiming to remind drivers that nothing is more important than focusing on driving – and driving alone.

The campaign by the Sussex Safer Roads Partnership (SSRP) is urging drivers to either place their phone out of reach, or set them to silent before setting off on a journey to ensure they are not distracted or tempted to pick them up while driving.

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Sussex Police will be running a fortnight of enforcement action starting today (Monday January 23) and another week in early March.

Although this will be business as usual, the force is taking the opportunity to conduct visible patrols.

Sergeant Phil Badman, from Sussex Police’s Roads Policing Unit (RPU), said: “The law states that you can only use a hand-held mobile phone when you are the driver if you need to call 999 or 112.

“Other than that, you can only use a hand-held device if you are safely parked.

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