
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEN: Ken Fairhall, grew up in Iden. He is a well-loved character, and he celebrated his ninetieth birthday in Iden village hall, on Saturday 28th April. Ken's actual birthday, the week before was celebrated with just family, but friends and family surprised him with a party on the 28th organised by Ken's daughter's Lesley and Caroline. Ken and his wife Jenny [Ken and Jen] are the proud parents, grandparents and great grandparents who are at the head of an ever-expanding, close-knit family. It was Elsie Fairhall's birthday on 28th, so guests drank a toast to both Ken and Elsie. The food was great, and the great grandchildren provided much fun and hilarity. I suspect that most of Ken's gifts were in some way related to gardening, because not only was Ken a career gardener responsible for much of Iden's past beauty, but gardening is his enduring hobby. His expertise lie in all things horticultural, but Bonsai trees are a particular speciality. Ken very much appreciated his daughter's thoughtful birthday surprises, and he enjoyed them with youthfulness and vigour. How do you do it Ken at age 90? I think the answer lies in the soil!

A SERVICE OF HOLY COMMUNION: There is a Service of Holy Communion, in Iden Parish Church on Sunday. at 9.30am.

TONIGHT AT IDEN BOWLS CLUB: There will be an open evening this evening for anyone who would like to join Iden Bowls Club. There will be light refreshments, and anyone from the Rye area is welcome to join. It’s a sociable club, friendly and relaxed, and there is fun to be had. The evening starts at 6pm, in the Bowls Club [opposite ‘The Bell’]