The UK deserves a new beginning

The Houses of Parliament, in Westminster. Picture: Tim Ireland/PA WireThe Houses of Parliament, in Westminster. Picture: Tim Ireland/PA Wire
The Houses of Parliament, in Westminster. Picture: Tim Ireland/PA Wire
From: Gerald Harvey, Elphinstone Avenue, Hastings

Boris Johnson is the wrong man, in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

The wrong person is in Number 10 Downing Street.

Boris Johnson has neither the confidence of the majority of members of Parliament, nor does he have the confidence of even a slim majority of the electorate.

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In the House of Commons, the Conservative members of Parliament have disintegrated into a cluster of pheasants and ducks. Some strut, preening themselves as though they owned the plantation. Others quack endlessly as though their thoughts are the only coherent ones in the land.

The House of Commons is the wrong place to determine whether the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland should be split asunder, and the little Englanders, lead by a quacking BoJo, blunder into the Atlantic Ocean without a life raft between them,

The right place is not the Palace of Westminster, but Buckingham Palace where the Royal Standard flies.

Her Britannic Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second of England should decide that she has served her people long and well. It is now time that she prepare herself to meet her maker, who indeed has been the good shepherd to Her Majesty and her United Kingdom.

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Her Majesty should abdicate the throne in favour of her grandson, William, and Kate, his wife.

As far as the time is concerned, the common folk on whom BoJo looks down, deserve a fresh start, a celebration instead of a wake.