Storrington School let their green flag fly

Storrington First School has won a Green FlagStorrington First School has won a Green Flag
Storrington First School has won a Green Flag
Environmentally friendly pupils in Storrington shot to the top of the award stakes by securing their second coveted Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.

The achievement makes Storrington First School officially one of the most sustainable schools in the country.

The pupils have been working hard to transform their school’s daily routine into one that benefits the environment, saves money and improves the school’s surroundings.

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The teachers and other staff have been ensuring education for sustainability is incorporated right across the school, with the associated benefits to pupil’s learning, wellbeing and confidence.

Managed in England by the environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy, Eco-Schools asks schools to set up a committee involving pupils from all years.

They set to work on a school audit that highlights areas of the school that could be made more environmentally friendly.

The Eco-Committee then creates an action plan to help the pupils deliver big changes, whilst also involving the whole school and spreading eco-messages into the wider community.

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Headteacher Marion Smith said: “Obtaining the Green Flag Award is something that the whole school and its surrounding community can be proud of.

“Each pupil will be able to take away some degree of satisfaction in the knowledge that their actions have significantly altered their local and global environment.

“It has been a fantastic initiative for all involved, however it is by no means over, as the greater challenge is to maintain what we have achieved so far and look towards ways of improving even further.”

Eco leaders, teachers Gemma Poland and Sophie Bull added they are particularly proud of the work the whole school and the Eco Team have carried out on recycling, litter and Global Citizenship - Storrington First School are linked with Thavite School in Malawi.

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The benefits of working towards an award such as the Green Flag extend beyond the improvement of the environmental quality of the school.

The programme gives pupils a sense of responsibility and pride in what they have achieved. With this comes the hope that pupils will continue this behaviour in the wider community and for the rest of their lives.

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