Westfield Village Voice

n Services at the Parish Church of St John the Baptist on Sunday February 19: The Sunday next before Lent, 8am Holy Communion (1662), 9.30am Nine Thirty Start (all-age service), 10.30am Parish Eucharist. This Week: Tuesday, 7.30pm Prayer Group – 59 Heathlands, Wednesday Ash Wednesday 9.30am Holy Communion, 7pm Parish Communion.

n Wednesday Bible Study: There is no Wednesday Bible Study this week. The next session is the Lent Course beginning on 29th February at Holyoak, Workhouse Lane.

n Pray with Me At St John’s: There are always a couple of people available at the back of the north aisle after the 9.30am service and after the 10.30am Family Service to pray confidentially with anyone who wants someone to pray with them. If you would like someone to pray with you just go and ask.

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n Hastings Street Pastors are currently recruiting for Street Pastors and Prayer Pastors and that anyone interested or wanting more information should speak to Howard Williamson or phone the coordinator, Martin West, on 07964 167870.

n Lent Course: We are planning to run a Lent Course on each of the five weeks of Lent, so that we can learn, discuss and pray together. The evening sessions start on Wednesday February 29 at 7.30pm. If you prefer an afternoon meeting they will begin in the same week on either Monday, Wednesday or Friday at 2.30pm in Holyoak, (exact day still to be confirmed). Please sign up on the appropriate list by the font in church so that we can make final arrangements. Do give it a try: no expertise or prior knowledge is required, only open hearts and minds to learn together. For further details please ask Helen or Michael Patten.

n Westfield Community Choir: A number of people have said it would be great to start a community choir in Westfield. Juliet Russell, who runs Vocal Explosion, is willing to run a trial block of four or six sessions, or even just a single taster session, to see if enough people are interested in finding out more and making the idea viable. 

All ages and musical abilities welcome - you do not need to read music, and there is no audition! It would probably meet on a Monday or Wednesday evening, and cost around £5. Do look at Juliet’s website www.vocalexplosion.co.uk. Please make contact via the village website www.westfieldvillage.co.uk or ring 753684 to leave your details.  We hope that there will be enough people interested to make this work, and we will contact you (possibly not until the end of the month) when plans are more definite.  Happy singing!

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n Electoral Roll: If your name is not yet on the church’s electoral roll and you would like to add it in time for the annual meeting, please complete one of the forms by the font and return it to Nicholas Wilde today.

n The Westfield Horticultural Society Spring Show will take place on Saturday March 31 in the Community Hall. Show schedules are now available from Archers, Westfield News, the Hub and are also available to download from our website www.westfieldhorticulturalsociety.org.uk. You don’t have to be an experienced gardener to enter as there are plenty of suitable classes for beginners, the young, and young at heart. As well as horticultural classes we also have classes including photography, art, home produce, floral art and handicrafts. Why not give it a try.

n Scout Jumble Sale. Please support the next Westfield Scout Group Jumble Sale at 2pm on Saturday March 3 in Westfield Community Hall. They would be very grateful for donations of jumble at the Hall from 12.15pm, but please note that they cannot accept televisions, computer monitors, or items larger than a chair.

n Westfield Football Club have confirmed their fundraisers for the next couple of months. The Fun Quiz will be on Saturday March 3 at 7.30 pm, teams of five are required (come as you wish teams can be made up on the night). Cost is per person £4 including a sausage and chips supper. The football club had to postpone their Greyhound Race Night due to the weather. This will now take place on April 14.

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n Nick Brown is also the organiser of the 1066 Relay. The second staging of the 1066 Relay takes place on Sunday May 6, with 50-60 teams from all over the South East expected to take part. The five stage, 33.25 mile course follows William the Conqueror’s historic 1066 Country Walk starting in the grounds of Pevensey Castle, one of Britain’s oldest fortresses. The mainly off road route passes such iconic landmarks as Herstmonceux Castle and Battle Abbey, before going through some breathtaking countryside between Westfield, Icklesham and Winchelsea on the way to finish in the historic town of Rye. The event raised over £1,600 for local charities last year. All the competitors commented on what a fantastic job the marshals did last year, and we will again need your support to ensure that this year’s event goes as smoothly as possible! All marshals will receive a commemorative race brochure where they will be individually mentioned, as well as being entered for a prize draw at the race finish. Duties will take no more than 45-60 minutes in most cases, and you are automatically covered by the event’s public liability insurance. Race organiser Nick Brown is particularly looking for volunteers in the Westfield, Doleham and Icklesham areas; his contact number is 07918 907265. Race website: www.spanglefish.com/1066relay

n The Westfield Hub is open as usual at The Old Courthouse on Fridays, 10am–noon with two events of note coming up. Sloe Gin Competition: The Hub’s second Sloe Gin competition will be held on February 24 at 11am in the Old Courthouse Pub. If you have made any Sloe Gin, bring a sample along to be judged – there is a prize and cup for the winner. £1 entry fee on the day to support Hub funds. Easter Bonnet Parade: Use your imagination to create an individual Easter Bonnet. Judging will take place at 11am on Friday March 30 at the Old Courthouse Pub. Prizes for best traditional, creative and under 12’s entries. £1 entry fee on the day to support Hub funds.

n Westfield Golf Fellowship has their 2012 fixture list now available. The first one is at Dale Hill on March 15, but is already full. Following this there is a full day booked at Chart Hills on April 26. Included is coffee and a bacon roll, 18 holes, a hot meal after and prizes - all in for £50, again places are limited. For more information on the WGF please contact Nick or [email protected]

n Westfield Rollerbooting Club meets at Westfield Community Hall every Friday 4.30-6pm. It costs £1.50 per child and there is a tuck shop available. Very small children eg three or below must be accompanied by an adult. Organisers are CRB checked and first aid trained. There are some spare boots available of various sizes to borrow. Further information is available from Rachel Pritchard 07866894397.

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