
Whaltington newsWhaltington news
Whaltington news
HELLO: It's good to see that the village hall is being used by a variety of local community groups. As you can see our local Guides provide interesting and educational events for local girls and get them out and about visiting local heritage sites as well as supporting local events. It is great fun and new members are welcome.

VILLAGE HALL NEWS: Don’t forget to get your tickets for the annual Festive supper at the Village Hall on Friday 9 December 7.30 pm. A few tickets are still available from Annette McBride on 01424 871629 for £15 each. Come along and join in the fun.

PARISH CHURCH NEWS: Preparations are in hand for the annual Christmas Pageant on Sunday 18 December at 3.30 pm at Whatlington Church with parking as usual at the Village Hall. As much of the event is in the open air it is highly recommended that those attending wear stout shoes, warm clothes and bring a torch. If you are willing to volunteer or have children who would like to take part and dress up in shepherds’ or angels’ outfits please contact Yvonne Underhill on 01424 775440 or email [email protected]

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GIRL GUIDE NEWS; This term 1st Sedlescombe Guides have had a very busy few weeks. We started term in September by welcoming four Brownies up to Guides and spent the next couple of weeks completing the Confectioner’s badge. The girls split into their patrols and each made three different types of sweets from fudge to rocky road, coconut ice to peppermint creams. The following week the older girls set out a glowstick trail for the younger girls to follow and collect. The next week the whole unit followed part of the 1066 trail, acknowledging the 950 years since the Battle of Hastings. The first week in November we held our own Bonfire Party on a local resident’s land where we had fireworks, a bonfire to cook marshmallows on, hot dogs and hot chocolate! Following that we spent a week making crafts for Rememberance Sunday and attended our local church for the Sunday service, where the guides carried their flag and laid a wreath. On 26 November we took part in the Christmas tree festival at St Mary’s Church in Battle so we have made decorations to dress our tree and enjoyed the festivities. This week we visited Herstmonceux Observatory for an astronomy evening, with a presentation, a pop up planetarium and hands on activities. Next week the guides will each be making their own Christmas cakes in a baked bean tin, before icing and decorating it. The last week of term is a fancy dress Christmas party with food and games at the hall.

We currently have spaces at both Sedlescombe and Battle guides so if your daughter is aged between 10 and 13 years old and she would like to know more then please either contact Jo Mozley on [email protected] or view the main website www.girlguiding.org.

ROYAL OAK NEWS: Carol singing in front of the roaring log fire will be, as usual, on Christmas Eve. A celebratory18 dish Greek Meze dinner on New Year’s Eve with a Disco from 9.30 pm will help you to see in the New Year in style. Please make sure you book in advance with Neil and Maria at the Royal Oak for this.

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