
PARISH COUNCIL: A well attended Annual Parish Assembly took place on Thursday 17 March. The session was opened by guest speaker Ted Kemp, Chairman of Rother Neighbourhood Watch group which is being re-established in Whatlington. Households should have received an information sheet about this and if you haven't please contact either of the new coordinators; Councillor Simon White [email protected] or Paul Wood [email protected]. Mr Kemp reminded the audience that there was the opportunity with some insurance companies to get a 10% discount on costs if you were a member of Neighbourhood Watch and that there is also a loyalty card which offers savings at some local stores.

Reports were then delivered from Councillors Fisher (chair), Rowlinson (RDC) and Field (ESCC) the essence of which was that all authorities would be receiving less funding and would have to find new ways of working in order to try to meet some of the local needs. Whatlington residents were reminded of the new improved Parish website www.whatlingtonparishcouncil.com where local information can be found including details of the Parish Emergency Plan, village hall, events and much more

Southern Water have just notified their intentions for the planned installation of a new Raw Water Pipeline from Darwell to Beauport passing through several villages including Whatlington. This pipeline will be a new high pressure polyethylene (HPPE) pipeline with an outside diameter of approximately 710mm and will be laid underground for approximately 12 km. It is anticipated that work will commence in Spring 2017 and will be completed by 2019. It was suggested that residents should look at the new planned route to see where it will pass through the village as it varies considerably in places from the original pipeline constructed many years ago. Full information is available at www.southernwater.co.uk/darwell-beauport. This contains a lengthy and detailed document but the actual planned route appears in Appendix A from page 49 onwards. It is assumed that local residents’ feedback will be welcomed as part of the consultation process.

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Variations to the village hall Trust Deed were recommended and agreed by councillors to encourage more use of the hall.

The updated Whatlington Parish Council Emergency plan was also agreed by councillors

Decisions re road naming have been delayed until the May meeting so that councillors can meet with Rother District Council Officer Mr Gale to clarify the position.

PARISH CHURCH NEWS: Whatlington Parish Church will have two services over the Easter weekend, on Good Friday we have a service entitled Good Friday Reflections 5pm, this will take the form of hymns and Bible readings, telling the story of the Crucifixion, it will last for approximately 45 minutes.

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On Easter Day the service will be an 09.30am Parish Communion, with traditional Easter hymns. There will be tea/coffee and biscuits after the service.

The churchyard is looking particularly good at present with all the daffodils out and signs of Spring coming, we extend a warm welcome to all who may wish to come and join us at this special time in the Christian calendar.

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