Scientists investigate new Covid Delta Plus variant which ‘could be more transmissible’

A new Covid mutation ‘may be more transmissible’, according to experts.

The UK Health Security Agency is investigating a sub-variant of the Delta Covid strain - known by some as ‘Delta Plus’.

Scientists have said Delta Plus carries two characteristic mutations in the spike - Y145H and A222V - both of which have been found in other Covid lineages since the start of the pandemic.

‘New variants will continue to arise’

It is now a ‘Variant Under Investigation’ to reflect its possible risk as scientists urge that the pandemic is not over.

Dr Jenny Harries, Chief Executive of the UK Health Security Agency, said: “Viruses mutate often and at random, and it is not unexpected that new variants will continue to arise as the pandemic goes on, particularly while the case rate remains high.

“It is testament to the diligence and scientific expertise of my colleagues at UKHSA, and the genomic sequencing capacity developed through the pandemic, that this new variant has been identified and analysed so quickly.

“However, it should serve as objective evidence that this pandemic is not over.”

15,120 cases of new Delta variant

The Delta Plus variant - known as AY.4.2 by scientists - was first detected in England in July.

It has become increasingly common in the UK in recent months