"Hugely impactful" and "absolutely amazing" as Chichester Cathedral turns blue

Chichester Cathedral, Daniel Smith (C)Chichester Cathedral, Daniel Smith (C)
Chichester Cathedral, Daniel Smith (C)
Chichester Cathedral are delighted with the positive response to the night the building turned blue to thank all those keeping our country going.

The Dean of Chichester, The Very Reverend Stephen Waine said: “It was hugely impactful, and the response started coming in straight away through social media, that people were hugely supportive of all the people we were thanking.

See video here

“We wanted to do it to express our appreciation of the carers and the health workers for doing all that they are doing for those who are ill, but also to thank all the key workers, all those people who are keeping our country going, the huge number of people who are working so hard on our behalf.

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