Why drive-in cinema is here to stay...

George Wood, Luna FounderGeorge Wood, Luna Founder
George Wood, Luna Founder
Is drive-in cinema here to stay?

The team behind The Luna Cinema believe it may finally have found its moment in a country which has long resisted its charms.

Drive-in cinema has persisted in others countries, most notably the States, of course. But somehow, it never really put down roots in the UK.

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All that changed last year during the pandemic. Drive-in cinema flourished up and down the country.

Luna Cinema founder George Wood is convinced we aren’t going to let it slip away this time.

George and the team are currently making their debut at Goodwood Motor Circuit with a fine line-up of films until May 5.

“I think drive-in cinema has proved the perfect format” he says.

In fact, it has been the key to all-year-round opening.

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