News from around the clubs - April 2

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Bexhill Photographic Club

RECENTLY members were enthralled by the tenth John Cocker Panel Competition. This year seven panels were offered up to our esteemed professional member Eddie Sturgeon ARPS our judge for the evening. Mike Pethen submitted a panel in memory of John spelling out his name with the initials of classic cars from a Battle venue; his ten pictures included a Jaguar, Oldsmobile, Humber and a Nissan for example. The overall winner had a similar idea but Ken Plumb used a fruit and vegetable theme i.e.; Salt and Pepper, Lemon Aid and Toffee Apple all in vibrant colour and close up. Eddie commended him and the other six entrants which included Butterflies, Motor Sport, Steam Trains, Iron and Marble Statues. Eddy was pleased to have judged them for the ninth year, after a short tea break we went straight into the last open print competition the fourth of the season. Moody Morning by Vanessa Parker LRPS was the winner in the general class and also the night's best picture. It can be surfed on the internet under Latest News.

In the Portrait Class Eddie favoured the A3 sized print of The Preacher by Mike Thomas. The Record Class was won by Paul Carrington with his text book photograph of the obverse and reverse of a Victorian gold sovereign.

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The Small Print Class was won by Sonia Dunmall for her beautiful portrayal of an Albino Squirrel. Well done Sonia.

John Bryant our chairman gave Eddie the vote of thanks but Eddie said that he was pleased to have seen such confident work and was privileged to have had the opportunely to give his critique during the evening. Now that digital is so much easier to print and create, photo clubs seem to have increased their membership. (certainly in Kent and Sussex). Although slides seem to be in decline digital images are increasing as these are now entered for competition by memory stick, cd or email attachment. Bexhill Club has the facility to compete at club and county level, mainly due to our equipment acquired by a Lottery Grant, including a digital projector, laptop, screen and portrait lighting. Now is the time to join us and see how much easier it is to become a competent club member.

Club details can be obtained from our chairman John Bryant 730758 or visit the website details above.

Bexhill and District Gardens and Allotments Society

DEEP beneath Whitehall under a thick protective concrete slab Winston Churchill and his war cabinet toiled to improvise defences to stem threatened Nazi invasion.

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