Maidenbower Infant School in Crawley was last inspected in 2009 when inspectors found 'The extremely caring ethos results in very happy pupils who thoroughly enjoy school life' SUS-221104-172920001Maidenbower Infant School in Crawley was last inspected in 2009 when inspectors found 'The extremely caring ethos results in very happy pupils who thoroughly enjoy school life' SUS-221104-172920001
Maidenbower Infant School in Crawley was last inspected in 2009 when inspectors found 'The extremely caring ethos results in very happy pupils who thoroughly enjoy school life' SUS-221104-172920001

17 schools in and around Horsham with an outstanding Ofsted rating

We took a look at all the schools in Horsham and its neighbouring areas that had the top ‘outstanding’ Ofsted rating.

Here are 17 schools in the Horsham district, Mid Sussex and Crawley - all thought to be among the top schools in the country by inspectors.