New plans unveiled for Eastbourne Pier

Abid Gulzar the owner of Eastbourne Pier (Pic by Jon Rigby)Abid Gulzar the owner of Eastbourne Pier (Pic by Jon Rigby)
Abid Gulzar the owner of Eastbourne Pier (Pic by Jon Rigby)
Sheikh Abid Gulzar has announced new plans for Eastbourne Pier.

Pier owner Mr Gulzar says he is confident a new jetty off the landmark will be up and running by the summer.

He said, “It is something that has been spoken about since I took over the pier in 2015. We have gradually improved Eastbourne Pier bit by bit, month by month, and I’m very pleased with it.

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“So too are the public. We are receiving great support from the town and the pier is busy. It may still be winter but of course we have had some nice weather and people have come onto the pier.

“Now the time has come to take forward the jetty plan. The contract is signed and work should be underway soon.”

Back in 2015 when he bought the landmark for an undisclosed sum, Mr Gulzar announced plans for a jetty for big ships off the end of the pier.

The jetty, once completed with a staircase, will enable boats to be docked again at two different levels. This will allow the pier to operate passenger boats for local trips. Once work begins, it is hoped to be completed in 12 weeks.

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