It's time parking ticket machines were brought

The debate over parking charges continues to rage in our part of the county. While not yet the extortionate price of central London, sticking your motor in a convenient spot in West Sussex is becoming increasingly costly.

I accept that to park somewhere central costs a quid or so. However, there are a couple of questions I need answering.

We live in remarkable times.

For drivers who cannot read a map there is satellite navigation. We can send emails to the other side of the planet and transfer money to a bank account anywhere with a couple of clicks on a mouse.

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So why do we still need to ensure we have a stack of coins in our purse or pocket to buy a parking ticket?

The technology exists to pay for parking using a debit card. But still we have to faff around with stockpiling coins in preparation for the next time we might want to park.

If, like me, you rarely have the right number of coins, you end up overpaying, as these blasted machines do not dispense change.

In Chichester, Bognor, Arundel and Littlehampton the system seems to be the same. If pay-to-park arrives in the Witterings, Selsey, Petworth and Midhurst (and I certainly hope it does not) I am sure the same antiquated arrangement will apply.