LETTER: No such thing as '˜good Brexit'

I write in response to Molly Brooke's letter entitled '˜Have faith and be positive' about leaving the EU in your 28 December edition.

Firstly, I would state that having been born in 1944 I remember only too well the state of this country before we joined the EU, or the Common Market as it was then known. We were known as the ‘sick man of Europe’ because of the dire state of our economy. We were only allowed to take £25 foreign currency with us when we went abroad, and so on.

We joined at the third attempt primarily for economic reasons, but the Common Market was never just an economic project.

There was always a political dimension, principally to

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try and ensure the countries of Europe never went to war with each other again.

Since joining the EU we had over time become one of the most dynamic economies in it.

Now, since the referendum, we have gone from the fastest growing EU country, to the slowest growing.