Pancake day in Midhurst and Petworth

FROM playground races to roaring fires, a celebration of pancakes took place throughout the area on Tuesday.

Despite the chill, many schools held races during the day, and at Woolbeding Wood, near Redford, families gathered in the evening to make pancakes, toast marshmallows and enjoy woodlands in winter.

“It’s brilliant,” said Fiona Scully from the National Trust.

“It’s very alfreso. It’s about nature and woodlands.

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“We have got a tradition of making pancakes and it’s really good fun outdoors with roaring fires.”

Earlier in the day, pancake races took place at many schools, including Midhurst Nursery Class.

Young children braved the cold to race outside, and nursery owner Chris Reseigh said they had been ‘lucky’ with the weather.

“It was cold, but it wasn’t raining,” she said.

Nevertheless the race would have gone ahead whatever the weather, even if everyone had been forced indoors.

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