Referee allegedly abused at Fittleworth Reserves v Amberley FC

A ‘HIGH-IMPACT’ football match in Fittleworth has seen spectators criticised for abusing a female referee.

The game between Fittleworth Reserves and Amberley FC saw referee Samantha Leo leave the game in tears, according to chairman of Fittleworth FC Mike Stanbridge, who was at the game.

“All I know is the referee was apparently racially abused by one of the Amberley spectators after the game,” he said.

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He said he had not personally heard anything, but added: “If that’s the case we will support whatever she does.

“There were some very angry Amberley spectators there and she was in tears when she left.”

He also said a player from Amberley was sent off after the game for violent conduct.

Amberley FC club secretary Matt Johnson said: “We as a club pride ourselves on being a professional and well-respected football club within the district; we have the utmost morals and portray ourselves in a very positive manner.

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“It was a high-impact and physically-demanding derby game, and tensions were high due to the week previously when a Fittleworth player had dislocated his knee causing the game to be abandoned.”

He said the club came ‘with a small support of children and pensioners’ who he said disagreed with some of the referee’s decisions, ‘like any team support would’.

He said to be accused of verbally abusing the referee made him ‘feel sick’, because he was standing on the sidelines and there was no more than the usual banter.

He said a group not involved with either club were present at the match on on Saturday, February 23.

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