S Bersted primary school clinches anti-prejudice honours

One in ten pupils at South Bersted CE Primary School comes from overseas.

The school is believed to have the highest ratio in the Bognor Regis area of children born overseas.

That experience helped it win a 250 county communication award.

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The winning project, called Safety from Prejudice, was designed to change the children's perception and preconceptions based on a person's race, religion or disability.

It aimed to challenge these views and lead to a greater understanding and appreciation of people for their qualities.

The programme has been tailored to include eastern European families joining the school community and the possible conflict this may cause.

It was explained to the judges at the Safer Place competition by three pupils aged ten: Luke Hammond, Connor Mavers and Caitlin Moore.

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South Bersted has some 26 pupils among its classes of 261 from families from overseas.

Most are from eastern Europe but others come from as far afield as the Philippines.

There was also success in the competition for Bognor Regis Community College.

It came second in the secondary school category, winning 500, for extending its mentoring and zero bullying project called M8's.

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It is available throughout the college having been set up in 2003. This means every student has someone with the appropriate skills to listen to them and support them during their school life.

The scheme originally offered support to students transferring from the lower school, years seven and eight, to the upper school for years 9-13.

The contest's seven judges came from West Sussex County Council and the police and fire services.

One of them, county council deputy leader Cllr Lionel Barnard, said: "This was a first class event.