VILLAGE VOICES: Ninfield and Hooe

Quote for the day!: 'The only difference between TRY and a little '˜UMPH!''. Now, if you take the new USA President-Elect out of the word TRIUMPH you're left with I & H.. erm...'International Hysteria'?! What a week, and what '˜Interesting Times' we are living in.. Wonderful Terry Pratchet's novel has nothing on the current state of affairs! Anyway, let's take refuge in our Village diary of events...!

Ninfield Horticultural Society: Rose has sent the following.. as a reminder, that The Ninfield Horticultural Society will be meeting on Monday 21st November at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall. They will be welcoming back speaker Ian Everest, who, this time, will be giving an entertaining presentation entitled ‘A Sussex Farm in the 1950’s’; which should bring back poignant memories for some audience members!. The evening will also have a Raffle and light refreshments; and it will be another opportunity for members to renew their annual membership subscriptions:- at £4 per head, this is a very reasonable token and gives free entry into all the Horti’s lecture evenings and Shows. Rose, and all the Committee, will be very pleased to welcome new members, and all visitors pay £2 for the evening on the door!

Hooe Parish Council: Clerk to the Council, Sally Durman, invites all residents of Hooe to the next Parish Council meeting on Monday 21st November, 7.30pm in Hooe Village Hall. There is always a loyal band of supporters, who regularly attend, and the Chairman welcomes contributions from the floor when issues are being discussed. It was with great regret that the Community Day planned for the 15th October had to be postponed- it seemed that there were so many other conflicting events, it was better to re-schedule to the Spring of 2017. The main topic for discussion on the 21st will be the proposed New Village Hall and how, when and where.. or, renovate, renew, extend or rebuild! The Parish Council is also hoping to hold an open meeting on Monday the 12th December at 7.30pm when options will be available to comment on. Please call Sally on 893007 for more information.

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Ninfield Neighbourhood Watch: The next Panel Meeting will be on Tuesday 22nd November in the Reading Room, Church Lane, at 7.30pm, and there will be updates on any local Crime problems, plus more information on the latest scams and fraud tricks. It would be good if residents could assist their neighbours, especially those who may be said to be vulnerable; and ways of protecting yourself and others are there to be discussed at these panel meetings. Rod Ffoulkes is the Chairman/Lead Coordinator for Ninfield Neighbourhood Watch and he can be contacted on 893635 or by email at [email protected].

Ninfield Home-Made Fayre: On Saturday 26th November at the Memorial Hall, from 10am - 3pm; this welcome return of such a lovely day, will hopefully bring lots of people into Ninfield on the hunt for some one-off, original, never-to-be-repeated gifts! There will be over 20 stalls of Home Made goodies ranging from beautiful designer Glassware, stunning turned Wood, flavoured Candles, sumptuous Cakes, Ceramics, Knitwear, Comedy Tee Shirts, Aprons and Brollies, Paintings, Preserves Puddings and Pies.. and loads more! While the adults take time to browse around the stands, the children will be able to relax in the company of a Storyteller who will keep them entranced and entertained; there will be a full range of refreshments available so you can make the most of the day, and enjoy the many and varied crafts and bakes showcased by the residents of Ninfield and local surrounding area! All funds raised on the day will go towards the Hall’s next phase of the refurbishment- the long overdue upgrade of the Kitchen and installing new toilet facilities for the disabled.

Ninfield Flower Group Open Evening: On Friday 2nd December, Ninfield Memorial Hall, starting at 7.30pm, The Flower Group’s Seasonal Open Evening this year will have a demonstration by the very talented Ian Buxton, entitled ‘Christmassy’. Tickets are now on sale at £10 per head, to include all refreshments. This is a very popular evening, so do get your places booked as soon as possible from Mrs Helen Cunliffe, 01424 844916. All flowers used in the demonstration will be raffled at the end of the evening- and there will be a Flower Group raffle as well.

Ninfield Village Seasonal Markets at the Blacksmiths Inn: Pub Licensee Jack, with co-organisers Chris and Stella, are delighted to announce that, starting on Saturday 10th December, there will be the first of 4 Seasonal Markets held within the Blacksmiths Inn, from 9-11am. Small local businesses and the Blacksmiths are inviting everyone to come and join the friendly team in a warm welcoming meeting place, and browse the 16 stalls which will provide a wonderful array of locally made produce, plants, confectionary and crafts. This promises to be a fantastic new addition to the Village diary, so put the 10th December on your calendar now! Next years’ Markets will be 15th April, 12th August and 16th December.. And, Jack would like ALL the Markets to be fundraisers for a different Village project each time. This is another opportunity for some Christmas shopping, right on the doorstep, and with fabulous, original goods and wares! See you there!

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