Inspiring quotes and random acts of kindness to celebrate World Kindness Day 2020

Friday 13 November marks the international day of celebrating kindness.

Created to promote being kind to others, it highlights the importance and impact of kindness within and towards other communities.

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Coronavirus has showcased the very best of people in tragic circumstances, as the nation stood in solidarity with NHS workers by taking part in ‘clap for carers’ across 10 weeks of lockdown.

Kindness also featured heavily on the placards of Black Lives Matter protesters.

Replicas of an American yard sign which read “In this house we believe, Black Lives Matter. Women’s rights are human rights. No human is illegal. Science is real. Love is love. Kindness is everything” sold out at the peak of the protests, on Amazon.

As lockdown restrictions continue in many places, and coronavirus cases persist, kindness will continue to be important to overcoming the challenges that 2020 throws our way.

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Here’s what you need to know about why we celebrate the World Kindness Day- and simple things you can do to make someone’s day.

When did World Kindness Day start?

The World Kindness Movement began in 1998 with the joining up of several countries’ non-government kindness organisations (NGOs).

In the UK it is led by entrepreneur David Jamilly, who co-founded Kindness Day UK with writer and humanitarian Louise Burfitt-Dons.

Kindness is celebrated annually on November 13 by countries such as the UK, America, Japan, Australia, Italy and Canada.

What is the theme of this year’s World Kindness Day 2020?

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This year, World Kindness Day will celebrate empathy as its annual theme.

Empathy is defined as the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, and this year’s theme highlights the importance of being kind and considerate towards people of other religions, genders, race and economic communities.

How can I practice kindness?

The purpose of the day is not to prove how kind you are, but to be kind in your actions and be more aware of your kindness - such as giving someone a compliment.

You can start small by donating to charity, or helping out with household chores. Perhaps it’s the perfect opportunity to finish that DIY job your partner has been nagging about since lockdown began?

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