Felpham singer Hattie Chandler brings out debut EP

Hattie ChandlerHattie Chandler
Hattie Chandler
Felpham singer Hattie Chandler has released Hattie I, her debut EP.

18-year-old Hattie shows her love of 60s and 70s music on the recording: “I do songs from then and make them my own.

“I love Janis Joplin and The Carpenters, stuff like that. My dad started me off and then I started discovering them all for myself.

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“It is just great music. It is so much better than the stuff that is out there now in the charts.

“I find music today has lost its soul a bit. I suppose everything has been done, and it is like the music industry is just thinking ‘What next?’

“I have been properly performing since I was about 15. I have been performing around Bognor. I started off doing talent shows, but over the past two years I started gigging in pubs and stuff. I have just joined a band, the Hattie Band.”

With a swift bit of rearranging dates, they even managed to get a gig in before lockdown.

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Hattie has just finished at Chichester College where she did a two-year course in music and performance.

“I did quite well in the first year, but the second year was really hard.

“We had to do music theory. I couldn’t get the knack of it! But I finished the course.

“And I think the course taught me a lot of social skills.

“Before I went to college, I was home-schooled a bit because I got bullied at school.

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“It has left me with a lot of anxieties, but actually school seems like it is a hundred years ago now!”

Hattie is hoping to write her own music one day: “I do write lyrics at the moment, but I am not very good at putting them to melodies.”

She is hoping to use lockdown to build up her repertoire: “I have recently got involved with a management company.

“They got me some gigs in Skegness for November which obviously aren’t happening now, but with lockdown I can learn some more songs.”

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The debut EP is available from all the usual streaming platforms including Spotify, iTunes and Soundcloud.

“I am really proud of the EP,” Hattie says. “I wouldn’t have been able to do it without my best friend Michael Yelland who just helped me so much.

“Without him I wouldn’t have got anywhere right now. I would have been sitting on my bed!”

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